Dining at the Calgary TELUS Convention Centre means never having to compromise

March 17, 2023 | 



How Chef Sean Cutler is elevating the dining experience at the CTCC

Feeding people at large events is quite the undertaking. We’ve all been to a wedding or conference where the culinary experience left us wanting more. 

That’s exactly the type of experience we don’t want for our guests at the CTCC. We want them to experience the same level of quality they would at their favourite restaurant—whether they’re attending a trade show or gala. So it’s no surprise that we wanted to work with one of the best chefs in the city: Chef Sean Cutler from the Downtown Calgary Marriott.

Since joining the hotel in 2021, Chef Cutler has brought a fresh and innovative perspective to the hotel's culinary creations.  For Chef Cutler, it’s about more than the food. It’s about the entire experience. And he’s committed to recreating that experience for all guests at the CTCC.

So, how does he do it? 

He never compromises on quality. Chef Cutler works closely with local farmers and suppliers to source the highest-quality ingredients, creating dishes that are bursting with flavour and texture. Whether he’s cooking for two or 2,000, his commitment to quality never wavers.  Chef cutler is also dedicated to sharing the Albertan story by sourcing ingredients locally whenever he can.

And, Chef Culter invests in the details. He knows that every dish is a reflection of his skills as a chef. From plating to seasoning, every aspect of every dish is carefully considered to create a truly unforgettable dining experience. 

Creating an elevated and consistent dining experience for thousands of people takes more than one person. It takes a team—and strong leadership. Chef Culter sets clear expectations for his team and leads by example. He’s created a positive environment that recognizes hard work and celebrates success. As a result, he has a passionate team that shares his commitment to creating memorable culinary experiences. It’s reflected in every meal served at the CTCC.

Chef Cutler's commitment has set a new standard for the Downtown Calgary Marriott and for the CTCC. He’s helping make Calgary a top culinary and hospitality destination.